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Subclassing for GCCE

!git clone
fatal: destination path 'GCCE_TEST' already exists and is not an empty directory.
import os
from  keras_ma_gcce import *
from labels_generation import MA_Clas_Gen
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from scipy.stats import mode
import numpy as np

def ook(t):
  lb = LabelBinarizer()
  y_ook = lb.fit_transform(t)

  if len(np.unique(t))==2:
    y_ook = np.concatenate((1-y_ook.astype(bool), y_ook), axis = 1)

  return y_ook
#cargar datos desde drive otros dataset
FILEID = "1AU8pTtCLihBjCZjWITaAzpnEuL4RO436"
!wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate ''$FILEID -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id="$FILEID -O && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt
!unzip -o
--2023-02-11 05:43:49--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 303 See Other
Location:*/1AU8pTtCLihBjCZjWITaAzpnEuL4RO436?e=download&uuid=e518bd16-207d-4e0b-847b-7e9001905d3b [following]
Warning: wildcards not supported in HTTP.
--2023-02-11 05:43:49--*/1AU8pTtCLihBjCZjWITaAzpnEuL4RO436?e=download&uuid=e518bd16-207d-4e0b-847b-7e9001905d3b
Resolving (, 2607:f8b0:4004:c1d::84
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 38377 (37K) [application/x-zip-compressed]
Saving to: ‘’        100%[===================>]  37.48K  --.-KB/s    in 0s

2023-02-11 05:43:49 (139 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [38377/38377]

  inflating: new-thyroid.csv
  inflating: tic-tac-toe-endgame.csv
  inflating: balance-scale.csv
  inflating: file.csv
balance-scale.csv  GCCE_TEST       new-thyroid.csv       MADatasets      sample_data
file.csv   tic-tac-toe-endgame.csv
#cargar datos desde drive acceso libre
FILEID = "1SQnWXGROG2Xexs5vn3twuv7SqiWG5njW"
!wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate ''$FILEID -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id="$FILEID -O && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt
!unzip -o
--2023-02-11 05:43:50--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 303 See Other
Location:*/1SQnWXGROG2Xexs5vn3twuv7SqiWG5njW?e=download&uuid=ca5accea-8bf1-41e3-baac-7d02889d8f79 [following]
Warning: wildcards not supported in HTTP.
--2023-02-11 05:43:50--*/1SQnWXGROG2Xexs5vn3twuv7SqiWG5njW?e=download&uuid=ca5accea-8bf1-41e3-baac-7d02889d8f79
Resolving (, 2607:f8b0:4004:c1d::84
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 156530728 (149M) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘’      100%[===================>] 149.28M   218MB/s    in 0.7s

2023-02-11 05:43:51 (218 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [156530728/156530728]

  inflating: MADatasets/
  inflating: MADatasets/Iris1.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Integra_Labels.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/
  inflating: MADatasets/Voice.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Iris.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Sinthetic.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/
  inflating: MADatasets/Bupa1.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/TicTacToe1.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Wine.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Breast1.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Breast.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Music.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Pima.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Ionosphere.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/TicTacToe.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/VoiceData.m
  inflating: MADatasets/
  inflating: MADatasets/Ionosphere1.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/__pycache__/util_1.cpython-37.pyc
  inflating: MADatasets/Bupa.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Wine1.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/__pycache__/util.cpython-37.pyc
  inflating: MADatasets/Pima1.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Segmentation1.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Western.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Integra_Preprocesamiento_Seg_Caracterizacion_time_frec.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Western1.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Segmentation.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Skin_NonSkin.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Skin_NonSkin1.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Occupancy1.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Polarity.mat
  inflating: MADatasets/Occupancy.mat
balance-scale.csv  GCCE_TEST       new-thyroid.csv       MADatasets      sample_data
file.csv   tic-tac-toe-endgame.csv

Load Data

#load data
import as sio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf #importar tensorflow
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler,MinMaxScaler
import numpy as np
database = 'Iris' #['bupa1', 'breast-cancer-wisconsin1','pima-indians-diabetes1', 'ionosphere1', 'tic-tac-toe1', 'iris1', 'wine1', 'segmentation1']

path_ = 'MADatasets/'+ database+ '.mat'
Xdata = sio.loadmat(path_)

dict_keys(['__header__', '__version__', '__globals__', 'X', 'y', 'Y', 'iAnn', 'Exp', 'idxtr', 'idxte'])
X = Xdata['X']
# Xte = Xdata['Xte']
Y = Xdata['Y']
t = Xdata['y'].reshape(-1)
X (150, 4) t (150,) Y (150, 5)

Labels Generation

Y, iAnn, Lam_r = MA_Clas_Gen(X ,t, R=5, NrP=1)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/sklearn/manifold/ FutureWarning: The default initialization in TSNE will change from 'random' to 'pca' in 1.2.
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/sklearn/manifold/ FutureWarning: The default learning rate in TSNE will change from 200.0 to 'auto' in 1.2.

Y = Y - 1 t = t - 1
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
for i in range(Y.shape[1]):
    unique, counts = np.unique(Y[:,i], return_counts=True)
    plt.figure(), counts)
#     unique, counts = np.unique(Y_test[5], return_counts=True)
#, counts)

    plt.title('Class Frequency for Y_true')

annotator 1
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       1.00      1.00      1.00        50
           1       1.00      1.00      1.00        50
           2       1.00      1.00      1.00        50

    accuracy                           1.00       150
   macro avg       1.00      1.00      1.00       150
weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00       150

annotator 2
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.00      0.00      0.00        50
           1       0.62      1.00      0.77        50
           2       0.71      1.00      0.83        50

    accuracy                           0.67       150
   macro avg       0.45      0.67      0.53       150
weighted avg       0.45      0.67      0.53       150

annotator 3
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.57      0.94      0.71        50
           1       0.52      0.54      0.53        50
           2       0.07      0.02      0.03        50

    accuracy                           0.50       150
   macro avg       0.38      0.50      0.42       150
weighted avg       0.38      0.50      0.42       150

annotator 4
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.00      0.00      0.00        50
           1       0.50      1.00      0.67        50
           2       0.38      0.30      0.34        50

    accuracy                           0.43       150
   macro avg       0.29      0.43      0.33       150
weighted avg       0.29      0.43      0.33       150

annotator 5
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.48      1.00      0.65        50
           1       0.00      0.00      0.00        50
           2       0.00      0.00      0.00        50

    accuracy                           0.33       150
   macro avg       0.16      0.33      0.22       150
weighted avg       0.16      0.33      0.22       150

/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/sklearn/metrics/ UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples. Use `zero_division` parameter to control this behavior.
  _warn_prf(average, modifier, msg_start, len(result))
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/sklearn/metrics/ UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples. Use `zero_division` parameter to control this behavior.
  _warn_prf(average, modifier, msg_start, len(result))
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/sklearn/metrics/ UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples. Use `zero_division` parameter to control this behavior.
  _warn_prf(average, modifier, msg_start, len(result))

Split data

import numpy.matlib
from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit, StratifiedShuffleSplit
Ns = 1
ss = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=Ns, test_size=0.3,random_state =123)
for train_index, test_index in ss.split(X):
    X_train, X_test,Y_train,Y_test = X[train_index,:], X[test_index,:],Y[train_index,:], Y[test_index,:]
    Y_true_train, Y_true_test = t[train_index].reshape(-1,1), t[test_index].reshape(-1,1)
print(X_train.shape, Y_train.shape, Y_true_train.shape)
[ 72 112 132  88  37 138  87  42   8  90 141  33  59 116 135 104  36  13
  63  45  28 133  24 127  46  20  31 121 117   4 130 119  29   0  62  93
 131   5  16  82  60  35 143 145 142]
(105, 4) (105, 5) (105, 1)

Apply MinMaxScaler

scaler = MinMaxScaler()
X_train = scaler.transform(X_train)
X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)

Testing the Class

from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, balanced_accuracy_score,  roc_auc_score
from sklearn.metrics import normalized_mutual_info_score, mutual_info_score, adjusted_mutual_info_score
l1 =0.01
ACC = np.zeros(NUM_RUNS)
AUC = np.zeros(NUM_RUNS)
AUCSK = np.zeros(NUM_RUNS)
MI = np.zeros(NUM_RUNS)
NMI = np.zeros(NUM_RUNS)
AMI = np.zeros(NUM_RUNS)
BACC = np.zeros(NUM_RUNS)
for i in range(NUM_RUNS): #10
    print("iteration: " + str(i))

    MA = Keras_MA_GCCE(epochs=100,batch_size=64,R=5, K=len(np.unique(Y_true_train)), dropout=0.5, learning_rate=0.01,optimizer='Adam',
                l1_param=l1,  validation_split=0, verbose=0, q=0.1, neurons=4), Y_train)

    pred_2 = MA.predict(X_test)

    report = classification_report( pred_2[:,Y.shape[1]:].argmax(axis=1),Y_true_test.ravel(),output_dict=True)
    ACC[i] = report['accuracy']
    print("Validation ACC: %.4f" % (float(ACC[i])))

    # balanced. Accurcy
    BACC[i] = balanced_accuracy_score(Y_true_test.squeeze(), pred_2[:,Y.shape[1]:].argmax(axis=1).squeeze(), adjusted=True)
    print("Validation Balanced_ACC: %.4f" % (float(BACC[i])))


    MI[i] = mutual_info_score(Y_true_test.squeeze(), pred_2[:,Y.shape[1]:].argmax(axis=1).squeeze())
    print("Validation MI: %.4f" % (float(MI[i]),))
    NMI[i] = normalized_mutual_info_score(Y_true_test.squeeze(), pred_2[:,Y.shape[1]:].argmax(axis=1).squeeze())
    print("Validation Normalized MI: %.4f" % (float(NMI[i]),))
    AMI[i]= adjusted_mutual_info_score(Y_true_test.squeeze(), pred_2[:,Y.shape[1]:].argmax(axis=1).squeeze())
    print("Validation Adjusted MI: %.4f" % (float(AMI[i]),))

    val_AUC_metric = tf.keras.metrics.AUC( from_logits = True)
   # val_logits =MA.predict(X_test) # model(X_test, training=False)
    # tf.print(y_batch_val)
    val_AUC_metric.update_state(Y_true_test, pred_2[:,Y.shape[1]:].argmax(axis=1).astype('float'))

    val_AUC = val_AUC_metric.result()
    val_AUC = val_AUC.numpy()
    print("Validation aUc: %.4f" % (float(val_AUC),))
    AUC[i] = val_AUC
    val_AUC1 = roc_auc_score(ook(Y_true_test), pred_2[:,Y_train.shape[1]:])
    print("Validation aUc_Sklearn: %.4f" % (float(val_AUC1),))
    AUCSK[i] = val_AUC1

iteration: 0
2/2 [==============================] - 0s 5ms/step
Validation ACC: 0.9556
Validation Balanced_ACC: 0.9412
Validation MI: 0.9484
Validation Normalized MI: 0.8807
Validation Adjusted MI: 0.8751
Validation aUc: 1.0000
Validation aUc_Sklearn: 0.9983
iteration: 1
2/2 [==============================] - 0s 7ms/step
Validation ACC: 0.9778
Validation Balanced_ACC: 0.9706
Validation MI: 0.9940
Validation Normalized MI: 0.9260
Validation Adjusted MI: 0.9225
Validation aUc: 1.0000
Validation aUc_Sklearn: 0.9983
iteration: 2
2/2 [==============================] - 0s 6ms/step
Validation ACC: 0.9333
Validation Balanced_ACC: 0.8500
Validation MI: 0.8806
Validation Normalized MI: 0.8448
Validation Adjusted MI: 0.8370
Validation aUc: 1.0000
Validation aUc_Sklearn: 0.9983
iteration: 3
2/2 [==============================] - 0s 5ms/step
Validation ACC: 0.9333
Validation Balanced_ACC: 0.9118
Validation MI: 0.9124
Validation Normalized MI: 0.8460
Validation Adjusted MI: 0.8388
Validation aUc: 1.0000
Validation aUc_Sklearn: 0.9983
iteration: 4
2/2 [==============================] - 0s 7ms/step
Validation ACC: 0.9556
Validation Balanced_ACC: 0.9412
Validation MI: 0.9484
Validation Normalized MI: 0.8807
Validation Adjusted MI: 0.8751
Validation aUc: 1.0000
Validation aUc_Sklearn: 0.9983
iteration: 5
2/2 [==============================] - 0s 6ms/step
Validation ACC: 0.9778
Validation Balanced_ACC: 0.9500
Validation MI: 0.9827
Validation Normalized MI: 0.9256
Validation Adjusted MI: 0.9220
Validation aUc: 1.0000
Validation aUc_Sklearn: 0.9983
iteration: 6
2/2 [==============================] - 0s 5ms/step
Validation ACC: 0.9556
Validation Balanced_ACC: 0.9412
Validation MI: 0.9484
Validation Normalized MI: 0.8807
Validation Adjusted MI: 0.8751
Validation aUc: 1.0000
Validation aUc_Sklearn: 0.9983
iteration: 7
2/2 [==============================] - 0s 3ms/step
Validation ACC: 0.9556
Validation Balanced_ACC: 0.9412
Validation MI: 0.9484
Validation Normalized MI: 0.8807
Validation Adjusted MI: 0.8751
Validation aUc: 1.0000
Validation aUc_Sklearn: 0.9983
iteration: 8
2/2 [==============================] - 0s 5ms/step
Validation ACC: 0.9778
Validation Balanced_ACC: 0.9706
Validation MI: 0.9940
Validation Normalized MI: 0.9260
Validation Adjusted MI: 0.9225
Validation aUc: 1.0000
Validation aUc_Sklearn: 0.9983
iteration: 9
2/2 [==============================] - 0s 8ms/step
Validation ACC: 0.9556
Validation Balanced_ACC: 0.9000
Validation MI: 0.9264
Validation Normalized MI: 0.8797
Validation Adjusted MI: 0.8739
Validation aUc: 1.0000
Validation aUc_Sklearn: 0.9983

array([0.95555556, 0.97777778, 0.93333333, 0.93333333, 0.95555556,
       0.97777778, 0.95555556, 0.95555556, 0.97777778, 0.95555556])

array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])
print('Average Accuracy: ', np.round( ACC.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average std: ',np.round(np.std( ACC),4)*100)
Average Accuracy:  95.78
Average std:  1.5599999999999998
print('Average Accuracy: ', np.round( ACC.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average std: ',np.round(np.std( ACC),4)*100)
Average Accuracy:  95.78
Average std:  1.5599999999999998
print('Average Balanced Accuracy: ', np.round( BACC.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average std: ',np.round(np.std( BACC),4)*100)
Average Balanced Accuracy:  93.17999999999999
Average std:  3.4299999999999997
print('Average AUC: ', np.round( AUC.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average AUC std: ',np.round(np.std( AUC),4)*100)
Average AUC:  100.0
Average AUC std:  0.0
print('Average MI: ', np.round( MI.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average std: ',np.round(np.std(MI),4)*100)
Average MI:  94.84
Average std:  3.42
print('Average Normalized MI: ', np.round( NMI.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average std: ',np.round(np.std(NMI),4)*100)
Average Normalized MI:  88.71
Average std:  2.86
print('Average Ajdusted MI: ', np.round( AMI.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average std: ',np.round(np.std(AMI),4)*100)
Average Ajdusted MI:  88.17
Average std:  3.0
print('Average Accuracy: ', np.round( ACC.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average std: ',np.round(np.std( ACC),4)*100)
print('Average AUC: ', np.round( AUC.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average AUC std: ',np.round(np.std( AUC),4)*100)
print('Average AUC Sklearn: ', np.round( AUCSK.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average AUC SK std: ',np.round(np.std( AUCSK),4)*100)
print('Average Balanced Accuracy: ', np.round( BACC.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average std: ',np.round(np.std( BACC),4)*100)
print('Average MI: ', np.round( MI.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average std: ',np.round(np.std(MI),4)*100)
print('Average Normalized MI: ', np.round( NMI.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average std: ',np.round(np.std(NMI),4)*100)
print('Average Ajdusted MI: ', np.round( AMI.mean(),4)*100)
print('Average std: ',np.round(np.std(AMI),4)*100)
Average Accuracy:  95.78
Average std:  1.5599999999999998
Average AUC:  100.0
Average AUC std:  0.0
Average AUC Sklearn:  99.83
Average AUC SK std:  0.0
Average Balanced Accuracy:  93.17999999999999
Average std:  3.4299999999999997
Average MI:  94.84
Average std:  3.42
Average Normalized MI:  88.71
Average std:  2.86
Average Ajdusted MI:  88.17
Average std:  3.0
import pickle

# create the dictionary with 6 scalar variables
Metrics = {
    'Accuracy': np.round( ACC.mean(),4)*100,
    'Accuracy_std': np.round(np.std( ACC),4)*100,
    'AUC': np.round( AUC.mean(),4)*100,
    'AUC_std': np.round(np.std( AUC),4)*100,
    'AUCSK': np.round( AUCSK.mean(),4)*100,
    'AUCSK_std': np.round(np.std( AUCSK),4)*100,
    'Balanced Accuracy': np.round( BACC.mean(),4)*100,
    'Balanced Accuracy_std':  np.round(np.std(BACC),4)*100,
    'MI': np.round( MI.mean(),4)*100,
    'MI_std': np.round(np.std(MI),4)*100,
    'Normalized MI': np.round( NMI.mean(),4)*100,
    'Normalized MI_std': np.round(np.std(NMI),4)*100,
    'Adjusted MI': np.round( AMI.mean(),4)*100,
    'Adjusted MI_std': np.round(np.std(NMI),4)*100,

# save the dictionary to a file using pickle
with open('data.pickle', 'wb') as handle:
    pickle.dump(Metrics, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
{'Accuracy': 95.78,
 'Accuracy_std': 1.5599999999999998,
 'AUC': 100.0,
 'AUC_std': 0.0,
 'AUCSK': 99.83,
 'AUCSK_std': 0.0,
 'Balanced Accuracy': 93.17999999999999,
 'Balanced Accuracy_std': 3.4299999999999997,
 'MI': 94.84,
 'MI_std': 3.42,
 'Normalized MI': 88.71,
 'Normalized MI_std': 2.86,
 'Adjusted MI': 88.17,
 'Adjusted MI_std': 2.86}